38 Chevy

Added a piece of tin to the center, bent in a V and angled back slightly. The tin was salvaged from the back of some old steal shelving. Guess I'm getting back into the 70's with saving the Planet, as a friend reminded me of the 3R's Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. I am definitely Reducing my Junk Pile and Reusing it to build this Truck (providing it doesn't turn out a Pile of Junk too, but I'm liking it so probably not). As for the Recycling, well I'm saving the scraps, if I don't find a use for them, maybe I'll melt them down and make something of them. Reduce and Reuse definitely preferred as it costs our Planet less energy.

38 Chevy

Doesn't look like allot of change, but it is actually quite drastic atleast in time and effort. Notice the hood is now sitting on the center piece instead of over it. I have formed the lip and matched the curve of the hood, the better part of 10 hours of work.

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