38 Chevy

Winter has finally past so I'm starting to play with the 38 again. I've done allot of preliminary drawings, but nothing I like, so I'm just going at it, sorta play it as it goes. Made a Grill from the front access panel of my old Boroughs Computer. Sorta liked the look of the 41 Willys but only scaled down a bit, I think I want it to stick out a bit to accent the round of the fenders.

38 Chevy

Just a closeup of the grill. And for the folks over at MetalShapers.org this was built using two pairs of tin snips, a ball pein hammer and a pair of channellocks. For my anvil I use a piece of scrap 3" I beam, and a piece of 1" plate set atop a 6X6. And I did cheat a little, I did use a drill press to drill the initial hole to get the tin snips in.

38 Chevy Continued 38 Chevy Index

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