Lamborghini Countach replica, manufactured by D&R Replicars | |
Cost 60K just in parts to build her, will sell or trade for a nice home in the right location. |
The biggest mistake I have found is right here. Beautiful view right, Well yes, but it bothers me. The exhaust is in the wrong place. And I understand the piece of tin when your hiding a sideways Fiero Engine, but why would you want to hide that beautiful V8? |
12X15 Rear 105s P295 50/R15 Rear |
Fairly nice job on the interior.
Project sponsored by the NudeAutoMall
With thanks to the guys at KitCentral
| 49 Ford | 38 Chevy | 61 Chevy | 69 Vette | 73 Chevy | 72 Harley | Opel GT | Lamborghini | Monte | 67 SuperChicken | 1921 Dodge Brothers | Essex | Jaguars | 23 Packard |